“We always talk about grandma's purse being one of the most dangerous things in the house for pets,” says Dr. Wismer. It can contain items like medications, sugar-free gum, and over-the-counter pain meds, all of which can be bad news for pets.
Ask guests not to leave bags or purses on the floor. If they’re staying the night, keep the guest room door closed so pets don’t get into their suitcases.
Having lots of people in the home can also be stressful for dogs and cats, says Dr. Barrack. Give them a safe and quiet place to relax. Changes made to the home, like moving a litter box out of a guest room, or changing your dog walking routine, can cause a lot of stress for pets.
There’s also the danger that indoor pets can get loose if the front or back door is left open. Make sure your pets havecollarsandmicrochips说,s Dr. Wismer.