猫科专家建议老化cats-even健康ones-see兽医更多,至少每六个月。珍妮Pittari,兽医学博士DABVP说六个月高级猫相当于两年一个人。“很多可以改变时间,”她说。“了解一只猫和它的主人促进强有力的合作关系,让我去做我的绝对最好的满足每个人的需要耐心。”Your vet may schedule blood, urine and blood pressure tests periodically in addition to a thorough general exam. Prepare questions for your vet, including concerns about behavioral changes. "You know your cat and its routines better than anyone. If your cat has difficulty going up or down steps, does not jump like it used to, or any other changes, we want to know in order to make recommendations," explains Ilona Rodan, DVM, DABVP.