
Laurie Hess, DVM, DABVP
Like human infants, rabbits are very oral creatures, meaning they like to put anything and everything into their mouths to check things out. Unfortunately, also like babies, they put inappropriate (and sometimes dangerous!) things in their mouths that can potentially hurt or even kill them. One of the most inappropriate objects rabbits sometimes chew on? Electric cords. If the cord isn’t live...
Melissa Witherell, DVM
Rabbit body language can be very subtle compared to a dog or cat. It is important to pay attention to your bunny and watch for these small changes in their posture and behavior. Rabbit Body Language and BehaviorKnowing when your rabbit is happy and what makes them happy is crucial for strengthening your relationship as a pet parent. It’s also important to monitor for abnormal behaviors that...
Epiphora in RabbitsEpiphora is characterized by an abnormal flow of tears from the eyes, usually occurring as a result of poor eyelid function, blockage of the nasal and eye portion of the tear ducts (nasolacrimal), or eye infection or inflammation, which may all be precipitated by by dental disease or tooth abscess. As rabbits have only one tear duct -- located very close to the tooth and gums...
Oxyurids in RabbitsPinworms are small intestinal worms. Though commonly found in rabbits, Passalurus ambiguus, the rabbit-specific pinworm, generally does not result in significant health issues. They are mostly an incidental finding during examination after death, or when a feces sample is examined and pinworm eggs are found in the sample. Symptoms and Types Pinworms may cause moderate to...
麻痹性痴呆和瘫痪RabbitsParesis是defined as weakness of voluntary movement, or partial paralysis, while paralysis is the complete lack of voluntary movement. Symptoms and TypesFour of the main types of motor dysfunction include: Quadriparesis or tetraparesis - weakness of voluntary movements in all limbsQuadriplegia or tetraplegia - absence of all voluntary limb movementParaparesis -...
Weight Loss and Cachexia in RabbitsWeight loss in rabbits generally becomes a cause for concern when the rabbit loses ten percent or more of its normal body weight, and the weight is determined to be more than simply the loss of fluid. If the weight loss accompanies a wasting disease, referred to clinically as cachexia and exhibited by loss of body mass, muscle atrophy, and loss of appetite, or...